Ludmilla Jordanova 
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Ludmilla Jane Jordanova - born 10th October 1949 - Curriculum Vitae

Oxford High School for Girls 1958-1968
New Hall, Cambridge 1968-1971 (B.A.) and 1971-1976 (Ph.D.)

B.A., later converted to M.A., Natural Sciences Tripos, specialising in History and Philosophy of Science, 2.1, 1971
Ph.D, 'The Natural Philosophy of Lamarck in its Historical Context', submitted 1976, formal award 1977
M.A. with Distinction, Art History and Theory, University of Essex, 1987 (part-time staff candidate). Dissertation on Physiognomy.

Current Position
Professor of History, University of Durham (since 2013) and Director of the Centre for Visual Arts and Culture (CVAC).

Previous Positions
Professor of Modern History, King's College, London (January 2006-September 2013) and Member of the Centre for Humanities at Health (and  Principal Investigator in the successful application to the Wellcome Trust, 2009-2013) Director, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities [CRASSH], University of Cambridge, on secondment from the University of East Anglia (October 2003-December 2005)
Fellow of Downing College (2003-5)
Professor of Visual Arts, World Art Studies and Museology, University of East Anglia, (1996-2005) (Dean of the Schools of World Art Studies and Music, 1999-2002)
Professor of Cultural History, Department of History, University of York, (1993-1996)
Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Professor, Department of History, University of Essex January (1980-1993)
Research Officer, Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, University of Oxford (October 1978-December 1979)
Research Fellow, New Hall, Cambridge, (1975-8)

Honours and Awards
Visiting Fellow, University of Bochum, May 2014
Visiting Chair, Graduate School in History and Sociology, University of Bielefeld, June 2012
Trustee, Science Museum Group (2011 on), past Chair of Research and Collections Committee, member of the Science Museum Advisory Board, and current Chair of the Locomotion (Shildon, Co. Durham) Advisory Board
Trustee, National Portrait Gallery (2001-2009)
President, History of Science Section, British Association for the Advancement of Science (2006), Vice-President (2007)
President, British Society for the History of Science (1998-2000), Vice-President (1997-8 and 2000-2001)

Small Selection of Publications
2018: Physicians and Their Images, London, Royal College of Physicians
2012: The Look of the Past: Visual and Material Evidence in Historical Practice, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
2012: "Approaching Visual Materials", in Research Methods for History, edited by Simon Gunn and Lucy Faire, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 30-47
2011: "What's in a Name: Historians and Theory", The English Historical Review, 126, 1456-1477
2010: "Visualizing Identity", in Identity, edited by Giselle Walker and Elisabeth Leedham-Green, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 127-156
2008: "Image Matters", Historical Journal, 51, 777-791
2006 and 2000: History in Practice. London, Bloomsbury (2nd edition revised and expanded, 3rd edition further revised and expanded, in preparation for publication in 2019)
2003: "Portraits, People and Things: Richard Mead and Medical Identity", History of Science, 61, 293-313
2000: Defining Features: Scientific and Medical Portraits 1660-2000. London, National Portrait Gallery and Reaktion Books
1999: Nature Displayed: Gender, Science and Medicine 1760-1820. London, Longman
1995: "The Social Construction of Medical Knowledge", Social History of Medicine, 8, 361-81 (and reprinted in a 2004 book)
1989: Sexual Visions: Images of Gender in Science and Medicine between the Eighteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Hemel Hempstead, Harvester/Wheatsheaf and Madison, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Press (and in a 2002 Japanese edition)
1984: Lamarck. Oxford, Oxford University Press (and in a 1990 Mexican edition)
1979: "Earth Science and Environmental Medicine: the Synthesis of the Late Enlightenment", in Images of the Earth: Essays in the History of the Environmental Sciences (ed L.J. Jordanova and Roy Porter), 119-146, Chalfont St Giles, British Society for the History of Science (and in a second revised edition 1997)

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